The scientific departments at the International Science and Training Center (ISTC) have great value and prospects for scientific development.
- Interdisciplinary research: The ISSC’s research departments promote collaboration and exchange of ideas between different scientific fields. This contributes to the creation of new concepts and the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge.
- Innovative technologies: ISCU departments focus on the development and implementation of new technologies. This may include the development of new materials, methods of analysis, medicines, as well as the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Solving global problems: Many departments at the ISSC are focused on researching issues facing global society, such as climate change, energy challenges, biodiversity, and others. They develop strategies and recommendations to address them.
- Training and education: The ISSC’s scientific departments play an important role in the training of young scientists and students. They create a favorable research atmosphere where students can develop their scientific skills and engage in active research projects.
- International cooperation: The ISSC attracts scientists from different countries and creates international teams of researchers. This contributes to the exchange of knowledge and ideas, improving the quality of research and expanding international scientific relations.
- All of these aspects of the ISCU’s scientific departments create prospects for the development of science, solving complex problems, and progress in various fields. This contributes to the creation of an innovative environment where scientific discoveries can change the world and improve the quality of life.

Lyudmila Bazhan
Chief Department
Department of Economics and Social Systems and Information Technology.
Scientific directions of the department:
- creation of information and software solutions for large economic and social macro models of countries and regions;
- creation of models and information technology systems for special purposes, including models and the functioning systems of transport various modes;
- creation and development of systems for organizing data banks, expert systems and knowledge bases.

Alla Manako
Chief Department
Department of Dialogue and Training Systems.
Scientific directions of the department:
- creation and implementation of computer training technology and tools for intellectualization of the dialogue.

Leonid Zhitetsky
Chief Department
Division of Automated Data Processing systems.
Scientific directions of the department:
- development of the theory of organization and dynamics of transmission systems and data processing, as well as the development, creation and implementation of automated transmission systems and data processing in the national economy and scientific research.

Igor Surovtsev
Chief Department
Department of Environmental digital systems.
Scientific directions of the department:
- theoretical and applied research in the development and use of information resources;
- development of methodical principles and means of intellectualization and integration of information systems with different subject orientation;
- development of software tools and information complexes implementation of distributed intelligent systems.

Viacheslav Matsello
Chief Department
Department of Pattern Recognition.
Scientific directions of the department:
- theoretical researches on pattern recognition, development and creation of intelligent information technologies for recognition and image processing.

Nikolai Sazhok
Chief Department
Department of Recognition and Synthesis of Sounds.
Scientific directions of the department:
- development of the theory and methods for analysis, pattern recognition, interpretation, synthesis and restoration of vocal signals;
- development of principles for the tools creation of oral dialogue between a human and computer;
- creation and implementation of the systems for pattern recognition, interpretation and synthesis of vocal images, oral dialogue as well as problem-oriented complexes on their basis;
- coordination of research in recognition and synthesis of vocal images.

Alexander Kovalenko
Chief Department
Department of Medical Information Systems.
Scientific directions of the department:
- development of the medical information systems theory;
- mathematical modelling of a human being physiological systems;
- study of organism’s adaptive responses to the environment natural factors;
- development of problem-oriented information technologies and their approbation.

Oleksandr Kutsyak
Chief Department
Department of Bioelectric Control and Medical Cybernetics.
Scientific directions of the department:
- development of synthesis a general theory for biotech traffic control systems;
- development of the technological foundations for the construction of medical knowledge databases;
- creation and implementation of software and hardware training movements and advisory expert systems in neurology.

Alexander Goltsev
Chief Department
Department of Neural Network Technologies for Information Processing.
Scientific directions of the department:
- theoretical and methodological foundations development of neural network information technologies intellectualization;
- methods and tools developing of neural network information technologies practical use in the problems of pattern recognition and decision making;
- development and implementation of intelligent systems of information processing using neural network information technologies.

Vladimir Belov
Chief Department
Department of Mathematical and Technical Methods Application in Biology and Medicine.
Scientific directions of the department:
- development of theoretical and algorithmic methods for research principles and regularity of different levels of hierarchy biological and medical systems functioning;
- research of the human operator work in control systems.

Alexander Rodionov.
Supervisor Ph.D
Chief Department
Department of System Information Technologies.
Scientific directions of the department:
- research in the field of theory system information technologies and integrated automated systems;
- theoretical and methodological foundations development of system information technologies intellectualization;
- models, methods and tools of computer technology developing for elaboration and adoption of solutions for different levels and purposes information-analytical systems;
- development and implementation of object-oriented information technologies system integration and intellectualization.

Olga Sukhoruchkina
Group head
Thematic group: "Technologies of intelligent control for autonomous robotic systems"
Directions of the department:
- computer simulation of information processes for autonomous mobile robots intelligent control;
- development of software components for mobile robots intelligent control systems;
- development of information technologies for autonomous mobile robots intelligent control.

Olexandr Marchenko
Chief Department
Department of Intelligent Information Technologies.
Scientific directions of the department:
- fundamental research in the general theory of information technologies intellectualization;
- theoretical and applied research in the field of parallel programming and virtual software environments;
- development of methods, models and software and technical means of information protection in computer systems and networks;
- development of software tools for solving practical problems of information technologies intellectualization;
- creation of models and devices that improve the quality of man-machine and robotic systems.

Timofieva N.
Head of Doctor of Technical Sciences
Department of integrated research of information technologies.
Scientific directions of the department:
- comprehensive researches of information technologies;
- methods and tools for information technologies optimization and modelling;
- developing methods of problem-oriented and specialized information technologies;
- creation tools for design of intelligent information technologies;
- implementation into practice of the research results.

Sergey Bondar.
Chief Department
Department of Human-Machine Systems.
Scientific directions of the department:
- basic and applied researches in the development of intelligent technologies control by complex ergatic systems under conflicts and uncertainty, in particular:
- development of theoretical foundations and conceptual provisions for the ergatic systems organization and synthesis of control;
- development of game theory and search for solutions under antagonistic environment;
- development of methods to search for holistic solutions that have been agreed with the activity of the human operator to control;
- development of methods for solving logical equations with many changeable parameters;
- development of laws organizing graphical interfaces to control moving objects under conflicts and uncertainty;
- development of conceptual frameworks for creating integrated cluster systems to control moving objects.

Vladimir Stepashko
Chief Department
Department of Information Technologies of Inductive Modeling.
Scientific directions of the department:
- theoretical and applied researches in the field of complex processes and systems modelling based on the experimental data under uncertainty;
- development of the theory and methods of multiply-dynamical systems structural analysis and synthesis;
- development of relevant software and information technologies for interactive software systems solving applications;
- coordination of researches on modelling under uncertainty.