According to the available personnel and material-technical base, infrastructure for creation of innovative product and priority areas for science and technological complex of Ukraine development the International Center determined:
main research areas:
- development of fundamental and applied problems of creating new intellectual information technologies and systems;
- creation of information and communication technologies for science and education;
- development of system information technologies and scientific principles theory for the informatization problem of society, economy and industry;
- development and use of new computer technologies and telematics in education and social services;
- training and retraining of masters and other experts in the basic directions of Cybernetics and Informatics, which meet the requirements both international and national standards.
The main areas of research are: a general theory of intelligent computer technologies and systems development; methods and tools development for the intellectualization of information technologies and systems; integrated information technologies research; the creation of system information technologies; development of intelligent learning systems theory, computer technology of training and tools for dialogue intellectualization in computerized environments; development of new information technologies for biology, medicine and ecosystems.
These directions correspond to the priority areas of science and technology in Ukraine.