The main scientific directions of training activity:

  • research of the complex problems associated with the creation of computer learning environments and e-learning systems;
  • development and implementation of the new computer technologies training, including distance learning technologies;
  • development of the new curriculum and courses for the most important directions in the field of computer knowledge to meet modern standards of practice as well as improvement, renovation and development of existing curriculum;
  • implementation of scientific-methodical, training and coordination activity supported by the UNESCO Chair New Information Technologies in Education;
  • training of Masters in Computer Science at the chair branch of the Mathematical Methods of Systems Analysis, established conjointly with NTUU “KPI”;
  • training, retraining and advanced training in the field of new information technologies (employees of government agencies, enterprises, organizations, university lecturers and secondary schools teachers, senior pupils);
  • analysis of the international standards in information and communication technologies for education and promotion of these standards application in Ukraine.
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