International activitiy is carried out in the national interests of Ukraine in the legal space of the current and prospective international agreements of Ukraine on scientific-technical cooperation with foreign countries, the Memorandum of the Government of Ukraine and the Director General of UNESCO, directives and decrees of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Basic research areas of international activity: the theory of image recognition and creation of effective intellectual information technologies with its support, intelligence-based speech technologies research and modeling of natural language, neural network technologies and their applications, intelligent robotics, intellectualization of information technologies, computational linguistics, modeling and forecasting the economy, information technology in biology and medicine, information and communication technologies in education.

A special focus in international activity is on cooperation with UNESCO. We work in two directions:

  • IFAP
    Direct representation of the Centre at the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO. Director of the Centre, NASU corresponding-member, Professor V.Gritsenko serves as a member of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO, is the permanent representative of Ukraine at the sessions of the General Conference of UNESCO and Information for All Programme. In collaboration with UNESCO coordination work is being held with the structures of the UNESCO Executive Council to discuss UNESCO strategic guiding lines, including the strategic directions of information technologies and systems development.
  • • Coordination activity in the development and use of information and communication technologies in science and education together with the UNESCO Chair New information technologies in education for all.

International cooperation is conducted in such areas: the participation of the International Center as the reference center of UNESCO programs and activities, coordination of scientific and scientific and technical activities at the international level, participation in international conferences and seminars, publications and lectureship abroad, internship in foreign institutions, participation in international exhibitions, presentations of scientific and technological achievements and developments of the International Centre for delegations of foreign experts coming directly to the International Center, etc.

In the course of international scientific and technical cooperation works are being pursued with foreign research centers, organizations, institutions of the world community. Including countries of the CIS (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan), Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria), as well as the United States, Mexico, Canada, China, South Korea.

International cooperation takes the form: representation at the level of national committees in international world-class organizations, membership of the Centre leading researchers in the International Academies (International Academy of Navigation and Motion Control, St. Petersburg, Russia), representation in academic senates of foreign scientific associations (Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, International Association of Creators and Users of Intelligent Systems, International Association on Pattern Recognіtіon (ІAPR)); participation of the Centre leading researchers in the international scientific and technical organizations, editorial boards of international periodicals, organizational and program committees of international conferences , seminars, etc.

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